Development opportunities for your startup

Growing your startup is an ambitious goal involving various aspects and which we want to help you achieve by putting different tools at your disposal, such as  match-making meetings with firms and investors, contacts of an international network  acceleration programs and access to funding. 

Solutions available for startups and innovative SMEs

We are at your side providing experience and services for development and growth





New call for startup - 2025 edition
Deadline: 31st may

About us

Fabrizio Vigo - SevenData


Giulia Baccarin – MIPU Predictive Hub


Andrea Zuanetti – Up2You


Fabio Santini – Hevolus


Emiliano Caradonna – Qwarzo


Adriana Santanocito. – Ohoskin


Giorgio Castagno - Robota


Alessia Gloder  - Astradyne


Cristina Mollis - The Okapi Network


Felice D'Angelo - ItaliaRimborso


Thomas Traspedini – WeGlad


Leonardo Chiechi – Digitarca


Camilla Conti – AdapTronics


Carlotta Santolini – Mariscadoras


Jonathan Polotto – Involve Space

Read more

"Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center opened doors for us, brought us confidence and helped us to achieve our goals. Having a partner from both a banking and equity point of view, such as Intesa Sanpaolo, is a great added value in a competitive market like ours, where there are big players".

Fabrizio Vigo - SevenData

 “Intesa Sanpaolo helps us by giving great visibility to our work, introducing us to their clients. It is a huge boost for our business development and also for the impact we can have on companies and factories in various territories.”

Giulia Baccarin – MIPU Predictive Hub

 “Intesa Sanpaolo has helped us a lot to gain market authority, it has made sure that we know what we do, that we work well. And this has been of great help to us..”

Andrea Zuanetti – Up2You

 “Having Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center as a partner has many advantages: knowledge of the startup market and the possibility of generating business opportunities, for example at SMAU London 2024 we closed important deals thanks to its support.”

Fabio Santini – Hevolus

“ In Intesa we were able to meet people of great importance and of great depth who made us the challenge, but also enriched in a direct way and at the level of experience, ability to propose and formulation of content"

Emiliano Caradonna – Qwarzo

“Up2stars has been a truly important experience to understand our weak points of the and understand how to effectively exploit the strong ones to enter the market which has marked a sort of turning point”

Adriana Santanocito. – Ohoskin

"With Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, we started a path that was fundamental for our company. We have managed to develop the necessary tools to create a business plan consistent with a development plan that is leading us to great success"

Giorgio Castagno - Robota

"Intesa Sanpaolo certainly gave us a lot of visibility. On the one hand, it put us in touch with other startups in the sector, from which friendships and collaborations were born. On the other hand, with people interested in our reality as potential investors".

Alessia Gloder  - Astradyne

"The collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center is fundamental for us because it puts us in contact with important players, such as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, of which we have recently become partners thanks to them. And also to work on Open Innovation models".

Cristina Mollis - The Okapi Network

“ At this stage, the role of Intesa Sanpaolo was crucial because it was the only financial institution in the territory to believe in the project granting us in 2022 a funding of almost 500,000 euros, entirely used to start marketing campaigns aimed at tracking the conversion rate"”

Felice D'Angelo - ItaliaRimborso

"Intesa Sanpaolo has been very useful in giving us strategic advantages. For example, it opened the doors to many high level Networking contacts that led us to pass the selections for an accelerator in Tel Aviv"

Thomas Traspedini – WeGlad

"The advantage of having a partner such as Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center is that it is able to quickly get you an audience that listens to you. It’s definitely a booster that can help us project into the next five years"

Leonardo Chiechi – Digitarca

"We needed a loan for a ban. Thanks to our local branch of Intesa Sanpaolo, we were able to conclude the transaction very quickly. We also set up a corporate financial planning, always with the collaboration of Intesa"

Camilla Conti – AdapTronics

"Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center has given me the opportunity to know other startups with which to collaborate, create events and eventually grow in our business" 

Carlotta Santolini – Mariscadoras

"In the Innovation Center I found a lot of concreteness and pragmatism, as well as answers to the various needs by getting in touch with investors or internal staff who who actually responded to our needs"

Jonathan Polotto – Involve Space

Startup Tales

Discover the stories of the best startups of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center